Even the economic survey this time ahead of the Budget has called for the RBI to stop looking at food inflation while deciding interest rates. But doing so runs the risk of reducing inflation numbers to mere statistics and may not change much on the ground. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) leaving interest rate […]
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), which contribute 27 per cent of India’s GDP, account for 38.4 per cent of the total manufacturing output and contribute 45 per cent of the country's total exports, have been given due respect in the Budget for 2024-25. Large-scale job creation through traditional big companies is no longer feasible […]
Notwithstanding the removal of indexation benefit for the purpose of computing long term capital gains (LTCG) on property, the demand for property bought for self-consumption may not get hit. In fact, this could control speculative buying in the real estate sector and stabilise the prices, aiding the first-time property buyers There is an overwhelming view […]