Balancing Act

Make in India for jobs and growth – Can Modi deliver the promise? “More than anytime in history, mankind faces crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total destruction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly” – Woody AllenThe US subprime fiasco has forced US and […]

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Time to Revisit

Time to Revisit The Indian economy is booming, stock markets are buoyant, homegrown entrepreneurs are spreading their wings, exports are growing, and consumerism is rising. In this scenario, it is definitely worth revisiting the issue of full Capital Account Convertibility (CAC). Most likely, CAC would improve the business environment, giving Indian industry access to lost-cost capital and the economy more options for […]

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Approach In Agriculture

AGRICULTURE, The Next Big Opportunity Despite India’s dominent position as a producer in word agriculture, India has a Meager 1.5% share of global agritrade.This is because both, productivity levels(yields) as well as the level of food processing in India,continues to languish below that of comparable geographies. Thus,the potential for growth in this sectior is huge […]

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